Qui était René Gosse ?
René Gosse naît le 16 août 1883 à Clermont l’Hérault dans une maison située Rue Victor Hugo juste en face du lycée qui était alors le collège communal.
Après l’école primaire, il entre au collège communal. A dix-sept ans, en 1900, il est reçu aux baccalauréats de philosophie et de sciences mathématiques (mention très bien).
Après trois ans d’études au lycée Alphonse Daudet de Nîmes, il réussit les concours d’entrée de l’Ecole Polytechnique et de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure. C’est cette dernière qu’il choisit. Il poursuit brillamment ses études à l'école Normale supérieure à Paris de 1904 à 1907.
En 1907, il est nommé professeur agrégé de mathématiques. De 1907 à 1914, il est nommé professeur successivement dans diverses classes spéciales dans plusieurs lycées (Montluçon, Rochefort, Rennes et Bordeaux) .
Mobilisé en 1914, il est blessé à la bataille de la Marne. On l'affecte quelques temps à l'école d'artillerie de Fontainebleau puis il rejoint, comme directeur de la station expérimentale de Saint-Cyr, le physicien Jean Perrin futur prix Nobel de physique. Ils conçoivent ensemble l’appareil de repérage au son, mis en pratique sur le front pour la défense anti-aérienne, le télésimètre.
En 1921, il présente sa thèse de docteur ès sciences mathématiques à la Sorbonne. Il est nommé en 1923 professeur de chaire de mathématiques générales à la faculté de Grenoble, dont il devient le Doyen de 1927 à 1940, mais aussi Directeur de l’Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble.
En dix ans, il réalise un important programme de constructions universitaires à Grenoble.
Il devient Président du Conseil Supérieur de l’Education Nationale.
En 1933, avec Jean Perrin, prix Nobel de Physique, il est co-fondateur du CNRS.
En 1934, il prend part au comité de vigilance des intellectuels anti-fascistes.
En septembre 1939, alors que la guerre éclate, il est désigné comme directeur du groupe de recherche scientifique (G56).
Le 6 décembre 1940, refusant toute collaboration, il est relevé de toutes ses fonctions par le gouvernement de Vichy.
Il entre très tôt dans les rangs de la Résistance grenobloise : il fait partie des réseaux Marco Polo et Jade Amicol où il joue un rôle de premier plan.
René Gosse et son fils Jean sont arrêtés par les collaborationnistes de la Milice. Ils sont assassinés dans la nuit du 21 décembre à 21h45. Leurs corps sont retrouvés criblés de balles en bordure de la route nationale N°90, lieu-dit les Evequeaux sur la commune de Saint-Ismier, à proximité de Grenoble, le 22 décembre 1943 à 7 heures du matin.
Le collège communal prend la dénomination de collège communal René Gosse après délibération du conseil municipal de la commune de Clermont l'Herault en le 4 décembre 1944. Cela est confirmé par arrêté préfectoral le 8 mai 1945. Une rue du centre ville prend également son nom.
Son épouse obtient pour René et son fils Jean la mention "Mort pour la France" le 14 mars 1946.
Le collège devient lycée René Gosse en 1965.
René Gosse's life
René Gosse’s youth
René Gosse was born in Clermont l'Herault on the 18th August 1883 , he had two sisters ( Yvonne and Marie-Rose) who died young. He had a passion for literature, theatre and poetry. He was really smart at school, he passed two French Baccalaureats: philosophy and science.
He attended two higher education establishments (ENS and the Polytechnic School). In 1904 he passed the mathematics “aggregation” and with his student friends he created a small community called “the clan”. Then, he left Paris to teach in Bordeaux, in 1928, as a mathematics teacher.
The High School Teacher
In the past, René Gosse was a professor of mathematics, and between 1907 and 1921, he taught even in preparatory classes . He worked in different cities. As a teacher, he made sure to give the best education to his students: some admired him.
Henri Daudin and René Gosse fought so that every student could have the same education,, whether they are boys or girls, whether they come from the city or the countryside.
In 1921, he became a senior lecturer of mathematics in Bordeaux, but it's at the Ecole Normale Supérieure that he met his wife, Lucienne Gosse.
The fighter of the Great War
René Gosse did his military service from 1903 to 1904, supported by his fervent patriotism. During World War I (1914-1918), he joined the front as a soldier, a teacher and a scientist . During the fight in the Aisne, he was hurt by a bayonet.
After his convalescence , he wanted to return to the battle. He was affected in military hospitals before he became an instructor in the school of Fontainebleau. He obtained a position enabling him to work with Jean Perrin in order to create a system helping the detection of enemy planes.
The researcher
He became a mathematician and researcher in 1907, but his work was stopped by the war in 1914. He practiced in aerial detection there. On November 1st 1921, he had a potential career as a professor in Grenoble. From 1931 on, he gave conferences in foreign universities.
The reformer
In the 1920s, René Gosse and his wife fought against inequalities between men and women. It's very surprising for the historical context. In fact, at this time, women were taught to be good mothers and wives for the family, the house, and the country. René Gosse and his wife helped a lot during the fight against inequalities. The laws of 1881 and 1882 made by Jules Ferry for secular and free school are for René Gosse a big progress. Later he became professor.
The choice of Resistance
According to René Gosse, the military defeat and the armistisce asked by the Maréchal Pétain were seen as humiliating renunciations. But during the speech of the General De Gaulle on the 18th of June 1940 on Radio Londres, he regained hope because he heard a voice of honour, of truth and courage. So, thanks to his influence, he directed many decisions. The house of René Gosse located in Grenoble became a safe place for those who went to Spain, North Africa or England. From summer 1940 onwards, he revealed his engagement in the Resistance. On the 1st of July 1940, René Gosse was denounced by some members of the university, accused of being Gaullist. During the summer, he was widely attacked due to his political commitment.
The struggle
René Gosse continued the fight. In July 1940 he organised intelligence channels towards London, he recruited agents and set up escape chains to help resistant airmen. He hid Jewish people in the house La Bérengère until 1943.
In late 1942, the scientist joined the Marco Polo media following his meeting with the commandant Pierre Sonneville. The renseigning work of René Gosse is intensfying. He get informations from London or Alger. In November 1942, he is in charge of the debunking in Italy. René Gosse collaborated with the Jade Amicol centrale office is in Paris.
On July the first 1940, René Gosse, was denounced by members of the university as a Gaulliste. During the summer, he suffered from many attacks linked to his political engagement.
A tragic autumn
In the autumn of 1943, Réné Gosse became a french resistor during the WW2. He worked with his wife and his son in Grenoble in the French department of Isère. Isère was under Italian occupation. Later on the German army took back control of Isere from the weakened Italian army. Since this event, René Gosse was anxious all the time about the safety of his familly and for the resistance activities. At the end of November of 1943, his son Jean endured search by the Gestapo. During the evening of December 21st, René Gosse and Jean Gosse were arested by the secret police. The next day they were found shot by the side of the road, close to each other.
A la manière de Rudyard Kipling,
If you can keep calm and be level-headed
If you can trust your own decisions
If you can understand what makes others doubt or hesitate
If you can be sensitive to other people's views and remain faithful to your life vision
If you can be modest
If you can be patient
If you can be humble
If you can stand by the truth even when your words are twisted.
If you can be resilient, prepared to start again when something goes wrong
If you can ris kit all and be unshaken with your losses
If you can start over when you are not successful
If you are perseverant, if you never give up when you are exhausted
If you can develop the strength of will to survive and achieve your goals
If your values can’t be corrupted by popularity or power
If you can be honored by both friends and enemies
If you can live every second of your life to the fullest
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, René Gosse will be proud of you, my child.
by the 2nd5/6 :